St Patricks Day Offers

Please find following details of all our special offers over St. Patrick’s weekend. Most are for just 3 nights but if you would like to stay a bit longer please just give us a call or send us an email and we will get you the best possible price for your preferred dates.

Searching by budget allows you to view all Special Offers within your price range for a seven night stay.

5 Special Offers found

Co. Kerry / Sneem /

OFFICIAL BOOKING AGENTS - Located in the grounds of the world-famous Parknasilla Resort & Spa are the Woodland Villas. They are set less than a 10 minute stroll within the grounds from the main hotel building. The Woodland Villas have been furnished and fitted to the very highest standards - no less than you would expect of such a prestigious resort.

Wheelchair Access | Family Friendly | Swimming Pool | Activity and Adventure | Wi-Fi | Open Fireplace | Resorts

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